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Things you need to know about living in Australia

things you need to know about living in Australia

Australia offers an ideal living space for individuals seeking a perfect blend of vibrant living and progressive efficiency. Famouse for its laid-back lifestyle, Aussies have figured out the perfect mix of getting things done and having fun, all while taking care of themselves. Over 7.5 million people from different countries are living in Australia, which is almost 30% of the whole population. A lot of people from around the world like living here because Australia has a great way of life, cool cities, and beautiful beaches. It’s a popular choice for people who want a good life.

If you’re dreaming about moving to Australia, either on your own or with your family, here are some key facts that can make your journey to this dream destination smoother and more hassle-free.

Getting the right Visa

Australia has many types of visas, and the system can be a bit tricky. It’s a good idea to do your own research or seek a migration consultant help in finding the right visa for you based on your qualifications.


In Australia’s major cities, you’ll find a perfect mix of services, job opportunities, and recreational activities, all within a laid-back and spacious environment (even in urban areas, the population density is sustainable). Despite being as large as the whole of Europe, Australia has just 26 million people.

What’s remarkable is that these cities are surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Australian nature such as stunning beaches, accessible oceans, and vast landscapes. Australia provides a modern living experience for people worldwide. It’s a place where diverse individuals converge in a dynamic, creative, and forward-looking atmosphere.

Stable Economy

Australia’s economy has been showing a continuous growth for the past five decades. The majority of the population falls within the middle-class bracket, creating a stable and thriving economic environment. Abundant job opportunities are accessible to everyone, thanks to a diverse and fulfilling work culture.

This welcoming atmosphere extends to foreign workers, with a remarkable statistic: one in three individuals working in Australia wasn’t born there. Unemployment rates are exceptionally low, reaching zero in certain cities for young people and international students. This scarcity of unemployment is mainly due to the consistent availability of temporary jobs.

Happiness is everything

Australia, ranked as the fourth happiest country globally, is renowned for its carefree lifestyle, making it the envy of many. Here, you won’t find the hustle and bustle of a big city; instead, there’s a perfect equilibrium between work, family, and leisure. This balance allows for ample time spent outdoors, enjoying activities like barbecues in the sunshine or surfing in the ocean. The Australian way of life is not just entertaining; it’s contagious. Those who experience the laid-back Down Under mentality often find it challenging to let go when they return home.

Cultural Diversity

Australia, by its very nature, is incredibly diverse. Over the past two centuries, the continent has been shaped by immigration, making it a great mixture of cultures. The statistics show that one in four individuals in Australia has no Australian roots.

This cultural richness means that as a foreigner in Australia, you won’t feel like an outsider. Diversity is not just accepted but celebrated as a strength. The clear advantage is that if you bring your skills, a positive attitude, and decent English proficiency  you’re likely to discover excellent job opportunities.

Education – Perks of Living in Australia

Australia stands as the third most desired destination for international students, thanks to its outstanding education system, idyllic climate, breathtaking beaches, and globally renowned lifestyle.

Hosting numerous prestigious universities, seven of which rank among the world’s top 100, Australia delivers top-notch education and training. Whether you’re pursuing English language courses, professional development, or university studies, Australia offers a diverse range of programs tailored to meet your needs and expectations.

Also  the education sector is among the top five experiencing substantial growth, thanks to the significant attention invested by the Australian Government and the provision of facilities such as scholarships and grants for international students.


While the majority of Australians speak English, it’s important to note that it isn’t the official language in Australia. The country boasts over 300 distinct languages without a designated national language. Australia is also home to more than 250 Indigenous languages, encompassing 800 dialects.

Health Care – Perks of Living in Australia

Australia has one of the world’s best healthcare systems, balancing high-quality services between public and private hospitals. The healthcare system operates collaboratively at all levels of the Australian government—federal, state, and local.

The nation’s universal healthcare program, Medicare, is accessible to Australian and New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, and individuals from countries with reciprocal agreements. Medicare covers the entire cost of public hospital services and, to varying degrees, other health services like visits to general practitioners and medical specialists.

For expatriates in Australia on temporary visas, it’s advisable to consider obtaining international health insurance. This coverage extends to treatments such as dentistry, eye care, and physiotherapy, along with specialist treatment and emergency care, providing expats with comprehensive peace of mind.

Finding a Job

If you are moving in without a job offer, there are various avenues to find a job that aligns with your skills and experience. If you possess qualifications and skills in demand in Australia, you might be invited to apply for a skills-related visa.

A practical starting point is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the Skillselect portal. This platform connects migrants with the specific skills required in Australia. While not a visa application, it serves as a way to register your details for potential employers to discover. Depending on your skills and experience, you might receive an invitation to apply for a skills visa, or employers may express interest in sponsoring you based on your profile.

To streamline your job search before your move, explore major national job sites and career portals.


You can open a bank account in Australia even if you’re not physically there. Many banks allow both residents and non-residents to open accounts online from abroad. Some banks even have migration programs to assist individuals planning to move to Australia in organizing their finances before arrival.

To initiate the process from abroad, you typically need to provide the following documents and information:

  • Planned arrival date in Australia
  • Valid visa
  • Employment details
  • Passport
  • Government-issued ID

Upon your arrival in Australia, you’ll have to visit a local branch of the chosen bank with specific documentation to fulfill the 100-point requirement for full account privileges. This process is straightforward; documents are assigned points, and you’ll need to present a combination to reach the required 100 points.

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