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All you need to know about Financial Management


Financial management is the most important thing any individual or organization must follow to succeed in their journey. Improper financial management will lead to serious causes which can ruin your entire journey towards success; it is necessary for an individual or an entity to be aware of the importance of financial management and manage their revenue and expenditure in a proper manner.

If you are starting a business or managing a family, or being single, it is mandatory to manage your finance and make a secured backup for your future endeavors. Financial management is the first strong step you must take if you want to achieve your dream goals, like starting and managing a business. There should be no flaws and convince to mislead your financial activities, and your expenditures should be on track and within limits.

Reasons to have a Robust Financial Management

Especially for a business, Financial management is a crucial prerequisite to manage the treasure and ensuring a consistent revenue flow by following the necessary procedures to manage funds and monitor every action of the cash flow in the entity. This will be supportive even if you want to close and wind up your business or sell it to someone else. For a business, every single penny should be accounted and should be managed precisely to anchor your business to float over the ocean of debt rather than drowning.

Financial managers play a crucial role in structuring the success of your business with a strategic plan and distribution of the funds that are required to manage the business. The fund allocated for the process should neither exceed the actual cost that it takes for the process nor become a shortage to complete the shortage of the process. This is why a financial manager is considered a valuable asset to the company, and the role is crucial in paving the success of a business.

This financial management is not only applied to the business; it is also a mandatory factor to be considered to lead a successful life without falling into the traps of debts and the baits of banks and financial institutions. It has been suggested that an average working class individual must save at least 30% of his/her monthly income before they hit their 40s. This is recommended to lead a successful life with financial stability.

Difference between Want and Need

Warren Buffet says, “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” which is a meaningful thought shared for the younger generations to lead a stable life with financial freedom. Even though Warren Buffet is a whale of the stock market with bullish trading abilities, he owns only a three-storey mansion.

He would have spent lavishly for the wealth he gained so far in his journey in stock trading. He has known that the ability of money is much more than being the commodity that buys you goods. A lousy financial manager will never succeed in his career or even in his personal life and experience prolonged suffering from financial crises. The things you lose due to improper financial management are way more than what you could imagine.

read our blog on financial management

Sri Lanka, a country that floats over the Indian ocean right below India, is well known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and abundant natural resources that are spread all over the landscapes. Even though the land mass is filled with abundant natural resources, the people in the nations suffer immeasurable causes due to improper financial management from the government. The people in that nation could not even meet their basic necessities with their funds, and the value of their currency is extremely dropped due to the lack of resources in the treasure and the drop in the imports and exports.

The citizens of Sri Lanka were pushed into a situation where they had to beg from other countries to meet their daily needs. The improper financial management of the government led the country to suffer the pain that no mankind can suffer. There are many other small countries across the globe that also suffers a lot as same as Sri Lanka, which is not known to the masses.

Importance of Financial Management

Financial management should concentrate in conserving the resources and funds that flow out in unnecessary activities. Each and every expense should be tracked to undergo better financial management, which is applicable for an individual, a business, or even to the country’s economical growth and development.

An international transaction is one of the major factors that have a serious impact in the economy of an individual, business, or even the economy of the country.  There are numerous individuals who migrate to foreign countries in search of job opportunities, education, and leisure purposes, so the need for international transactions is crucial and plays a significant role in the economy and financial management of individuals. These international exchanges are the backbone for multi-national businesses that has their divisions working in different parts of the world. These transactions made by businesses and individuals across international borders will also make a serious impact on the economy of the country through remittance fees.

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Hope the blog gave a good idea on why it is necessary to have an idea about financial management. Read our other blog on how you can send money to someone immediately